The Safety Green, Hot Safety Pink and Electric Safety Blue are made for the outdoors and Hiking...These Safety colors have a deep rooted purpose...much deeper than many think. These colors are made to deflect sunlight when hiking the ridge lines and great on valley waterfall hikes so you can clearly stand out and be seen by other Hikers and hunters, especially in low light and dark conditions. If you get lost the shirt allows for rescue to spot and find you with ease from below or above...If you get lost you can choose to tear and rip pieces of the shirt off to use as markers around trees or objects to get yourself out of a bad situation like getting lost in the forest so you can back track ones steps. These safety shirts are also GREAT for jogging, running, biking and other outdoor activities...even crossing the street is a wiser choice with these shirts on...There is a reason why WE printed these colors...They may just save your life...Here at Wayde's World Hawaii it's always been about Safety first, then looking cool second.
First Hike of the New Year...2016 is looking to be a great one as we are in the process of scouting new locations for the RE-LAUNCH of the "WAYDE'S WORLD" POOR MANS GUIDE TO HAWAII YouTube Channel!

We would like to send out a big MAHALO NUI LOA to the "CORE 58" Funders...YOU ALL believed in OUR Crowdfunding Project and gave a DAMN about this vital and crucial story that would have brought to light the Struggles and Successes of day to day life of the people who live and breathe Hawai'i as well as small business and nonprofits around the island. We will put good use to your money and re-launch our YouTube Channel to reflect the successes and struggles here in Hawaii.

THIS JUST IN, Filming with the BIG WIGS...for what you ask?...We can't tell, cuz we'd have to kill you!

EXCLUSIVE: Shots taken by one of our Tours Photographers, Lonnie McKenzie

Some of our recent JOURNEYS into Waihe'e & Nu'uanu Valley ​
With SHELLEY GALLANT and her OHANA, we recently embarked into Waihe'e Valley to Hike Hamama & Waihe'e Falls. We also took an amazing journey into Nu'uanu Valley with JULIE GRIFFINS OHANA and JOHN NUNES OHANA to explore the many waterfalls, bamboo forests and historical Hawaiian Ruins of this great valley.​
​* ALL OUR ADVENTURES with our OHANA can be seen on our FACEBOOK GROUP PAGE~​

​Did you guys know there are many connections between Hawaii and Alaska?
From ​Humpback Whales, Active Volcanoes to Tsunamis and Captain Cook himself... Many things bind ALASKA and HAWAII together.

Join my friends George and Jill Davis as they battle the Elements of...

I have read a lot of books in my life, but I don't read books to take me away to a world that doesn't exist...Those worlds aren't real and that is part of the point of the books below...they keep you in the present moment...they don't take you to a past or future that doesn't exists. I choose to read books that can show me how to change my life and change the lives of those around me by allowing me to truly know who I am and what I stand for...Books that show me, teach me and allow me to grow into who I was always meant to be. I am posting these books because they have changed my life and have been a huge part of what I have accomplished this far and what I soon will. They are books you can reread again and again, learning new things about yourself. If you are reading this, you are here because you have a dream, a desire, a passion to be more than you are at this time...You are missing something as I was. These books of wisdom and spirit helped me find what was missing. They built my confidence and drive to realize I deserved so much more, because I am more...PLEASE make that change to be who you deserve to be...to live in the present moment and help others do the same.

​LEONARD JACOBSON is one of those spiritual writers like the well known ECKHART TOLLE who brought us "THE POWER OF NOW", but Jacobson makes it easier to understand with his four step, four book process...These Books will change your life when you are ready to UNLEARN all that you have LEARNED and AWAKEN to the TRUTH within you​.​
I HIGHLY recommend reading these books in the order I put them...Good luck and start making those dreams come true...NOW...Today!
( Because it's never been about luck )
​With Great inspiration by Sharon 'Shae' Le and Lonnie Mckenzie I have chosen to write a Book of Quotes based on "Life in Hawaii"...It again is a daunting task as I have enough on my plate, but beyond anything, INSPIRATION is at it's center. If I can inspire dreamers with my words and Lonnie with his HDR Photography, then we have done our part in this amazing world where dreams give us meaning and our hopes give us breath...

This will be an ongoing journey as Lonnie and I develop and design our book in the hopes of finding a local publisher...

​If FISHING CHARTERS are too costly for you in HAWAII, no worries...
​The best way to hunt fish in Hawaii is the way it was done by the kanaka maoli in the old days, by outrigger/canoe. I have gotten e-mails after e-mails...
"Wayde, where can I get a PRIVATE FISHING CHARTER that is within my budget?"
My friend, Isaac Brumaghim of AQUAHUNTERS and his CREW are the ones to go to for PERSONAL and PRIVATE ECO KAYAK and FISHING CHARTERS at prices that are within the Budget of the savvy traveler. AQUAHUNTERS cater and focus on you, the guests, while leaving no environmental footprint behind...just my style!

 ( The Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle )
​There has been a considerable amount of disrespect given to the HONU, The Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle...Our NA AUMAKUA,​ by some visitors as well as our local Kama'aina. I wanted to put this video together to make all of us AWARE once again that we MUST honor and respect this graceful and beautiful ENDANGERED SPECIES, not only because few exist, but also because of the DEEP HISTORY they serve in Hawaiian culture.
I remember going here for the first time back in 1995. It was a wondrous place...a place to get lost, a place to discover, a place to find yourself...A place to meditate and re-energize your soul. When here, you forget all sense of time, home seems so far away and your dreams over take you. When here, you are free...free to roam, free to dream, free to be. Every time I come here I discover something new. The next time here always feels like the first...I know if you get the chance to come here you as well will discover something beautiful and new, about your surroundings, about yourself.
Being a Buddhist on a JOURNEY to becoming a VEGAN has been a difficult undertaking few have supported me on and many have debated with me about...It's a choice I am comfortable living...To walk a path removed of judgment and suffering is one worth seeking out for all of us. On the road less traveled there are always places to discover here in Hawaii to remind me of my sacrifices. These are places many tourists and vacationers continue to blindly walk by. This again is one of those places few visitors ever see. If you follow me you know it's the Mana (spirit of the islands) that I always seek out, where money has little or no value when it comes to ones purpose as a soul. This is one of Oahu's hidden gems where if you are looking for a spiritually awakening while in Hawaii this place may just awaken something within you.
Lua'alaea is a BEAUTIFUL waterfall after it has been raining for a few days in the valley. This waterfall is found in Manoa and it's one of the many waterfalls within the Valley of Manoa Falls. The Hiking community knows this, the locals know this, but the Tourist and vacationers DON'T. When Hiking Lua'alaea you'll be sure to be alone while many tourists are on her sister trail Manoa Falls.

I will often ask guests and visitors..."WHEN are you coming to Hawaii and WHY?"
If you are coming to Hawaii for SUNSHINE, BEACHES, SNORKELING & DIVING, SUMMER IS BEST for you!

I continue to find it ASTONISHING that so little reseach is done and knowledge seeked when planning such GRAND VACATIONS as planning a trip to Hawaii. Hawaii is an entirely different world...Learn about it before you arrive!
SUMMER ( May-Oct ) WINTER ( Nov-Apr )

ULUPO HEIAU ( Sacred Hawaiian Temple of Kailua )
The history here goes back over a 1,000 years, so to walk upon this sacred land today and see its restoration come to life as it looked so many years ago is just an AWE INSPIRING MOMENT indeed.
I walk upon these lands with great respect for the Hawaiian people, learning that to be one with the aina, one only takes what one needs and one always replants what one takes...it's living Pono.

WWH Photographer Lonnie Mckenzie and friend Ronja Buck head deep into Nu'uanu Valley to capture UPPER LUAKAHA FALLS.​ This is one of those places deep in Hawaiian History as we connected Lulumahu Falls and the Kings Ruins to Luakaha Upper Falls.
* Yelp & Gogobot REVIEWS can be HUGE when choosing where to go, what to do and where to eat when you're in an unfamiliar place far away from home.

I have spent a considerable amount of time putting together REVIEWS for my Subscribers, members and fans so that they have a better idea on where to go while on Vacation here on OAHU. I say it how it is...so if a place sucks I tell you! So please use my advice!!!

~ Some people settle and that's their choice...To me life's too short to settle for anything less than what you dream of ~